Welcome to our family page . . . .
Prayer as we start the day by: St. Edmund of Abingdon
Into your hands O Lord
And into the hands of your Holy Angels,
We commit and entrust this day, our soul,
Our relations, our benefactors,
our friends and those who seem to not like us!
And all your people.
Keep us O Lord, throughout this day . . .
By the merits and intercessions of Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. Amen
And everyplace where we may go,
In all we say and do,
Let our deeds be such that they
Reflect the spirit of You!
Jesus, Mary, Joseph walk with us in our thoughts, words and actions, that we may experience each day with true joy, hope and and love. Amen
Enjoy the warm summer days of San Diego! |
Jesus, help us! We trust in you!