• A - B - C's of Effective Parenting  
    Author: Rev. Dr. C. Dexter Wise

  • A ccept your child as a person
    B elieve in her/his possibilities
    C check on his/her progress
    D iscipline with love
    E xpect his/her best
    F orgive his/her sins
    G uide him or her; don't push
    H and him or her a sense of history
    I nvest more than money in him or her
    J oke with him or her
    K eep the faith
    L ove without reservation
    M odel what you demand
    N ever say "NEVER"
    O pen your mind
    P ray for divine strength
    Q uestion your child's activities
    R emember when you were young
    S eek out help when you need it
    T rust your child
    U nderstand even if you don't agree
    V alue his/ her opinion
    W eep with him or her
    X ray his/her behavior
    Y earn for his/or her success
    Z ero in on solutions

    Author: Rev. Dr. C. Dexter Wise
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