1956— Devotion to Mary started as I joined my hometown parish Junior Curia of the Legion of Mary. “ Queen of Angels" and served as the young secretary. The mustard seed got planted in my heart, nurtured with Latin and English Masses, devotion to the Sacred Heart, family rosaries and other spiritual devotions and practices.
1970— May 24, the Feast of Mary Help of Christian. She was my guide, my spiritual mother as I arrived in Seattle, Washington with a Professional Elementary Teacher's Visa, credentialed to teach in the State of South Dakota.  
The news of 10-feet high winter snow of South Dakota, however made me decide to enjoy my first year of permanent residency in Seattle,WA. Young and adventurous, thanks to Girl Scout training with the Holy Spirit's grace of Courage, pursuing another career in Nursing or Accounting sparked in my brain and became an option.
1971— Leap of faith. Met Jim, a young Navy sailor with a Whidbey Island tour of duty and we got married in Holy Family Catholic Church, Auburn, Washington.
1971— moved to San Diego, California. Joined St. Charles Catholic Parish, Imperial Beach, California.
Few years later a new Pastor arrived: Fr. Mullarkey, a nurturing and accepting pastor. In this parish was another blessing: meeting his associate priest who became our good mentor/friend/spiritual director: the late Father Crisologo.
1972 –1st son was born. Started taking college courses in Computers, Accounting and Supervision. Learning to drive was an initial step to another career.
1978-1993 — worked for the civil service of the Navy/Federal govt. Fifteen (15) years later, I was at the fork of my faith journey. Restless and feeling a void that only God can fill, I decided to leave a promising lucrative career (GS 11/Budget Analyst with a very deep hunger for God.)
With a childlike trust in the divine Providence, I took the "road less traveled." Certainly not the highway. As St. Augustine said, " our heart is restless until it rest in thee Oh God!"
1996 - Jim was accepted to the Diaconate program, Diocese of San Diego. I attended with him in all the formation requirements: courses, homiletics, retreats, psychological tests, and other instructional sessions, workshops or meetings.
2001— June 22, Jim was ordained by Bishop Brom as a Deacon of the Diocese of San Diego.
Taking credits in all the formation courses plus an additional year of study, and having completed the requirements, I got awarded with a Certificate in Catechetical Ministry, Diocesan Institute of San Diego
2001— August 15. Our Lady of Fatima prompted a desire: "gather the children to pray the rosary." In response to our Lady, a prayer group got started to pray the rosary every first Saturday of the month by my home grotto in my parish town: San Vicente, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Not only children now but also their parents, and grandparents joined in-prayer. Each first Saturday of the month, the children and folks gather faithfully to pray the rosary as a crown to our Lady.
For a need to refocus on spirituality, ministry has to be re-evaluated by end of 2008. Hopefully, they learn to love the rosary and pray it daily in honor of the Blessed Mother. And she will guide them to get closer and have a deeper relationship with her son Jesus.
Who can help us learn to know and get closer to the Son better than the Mother?
2002— accepted a position as Director of Religious Education in a local parish
2003— left DRE position. Started CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education)program to train as a Hospital Chaplain. "When He calls, you can run but you cannot hide." So I answered, "Here I am Lord!"
2004— Nov 19. What a hard work! Happily in a ceremony, I accepted a Certificate of Completion of 4 CPE Units of training that entailed (one thousand six hundred) 1,600 hours of classes and internship in hospitals and Urban centers. Then started volunteering as a Hospital Chaplain in Paradise Valley Hospital.
2005—September to the present time . With a commitment to Chaplaincy, I gladly serve as an On-Call Chaplain at Sharp Memorial Hospital, Frost St., San Diego, CA
2008— Back to the Office for the Missions, as an Assistant HCA (Holy Childhood Association)Coordinator. The Lord takes and gives back. 2nd time around sounds good.
2008—early this year— another revelation came from our Blessed Mother. With her gentle nod - to start a prayer circle to help local lay men and women to a deeper prayer life with the aid of daily praying of the Rosary, (eventually the Franciscan rosary), the Angelus, the Memorare, and the Liturgy of the Hours, with Mass, Eucharist, Confession, and Fasting
August 14, 2008— Officially started writing the rules and organization of CMLLE ( Crown of Mary’s Luminous Light of the Eucharist) on the vigil of the feast of the Assumption of our Lady, August 14, 2008 Thursday, Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
October 7, 2008— Aiming to formally start this circle, a preliminary blessing was sought from a Church authority. This circle can start and function as a personal prayer and devotion. No formal approval needed, only for the Spiritual Advisers.  
This Circle is born/ or comes alive on this blessed day: October 7, 2008 - the feast of our Lady of the Rosary. "Our Lady, we crown you with our Hail Mary's, Memorares, Angelus prayer and Rosaries each day!"
Feb 11, 2009 - 150th Anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady to Bernadette, this website was offered to her in Lourdes, France via direct line....in her honor that she will intercede for us to her Son, Jesus.
...and an idea of having CMLLE to be both a "Local and Distance Prayer Circle...evolved. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us!
To: Original CMLLE pages |
