The Holy Santuario de Chimayo

by:   Dr. Larry Baran

An Excerpt:

"The secret of the Sanctuario De Chimayo is not in the dirt but....the holiness it is in ones heart touching the dirt and in that moment in time letting the heart of Christ transfigure, transform, and transition into our final fear of each and every soul on this planet earth that we call our island home …by touching the holy dirt, Father Julio . . we are touching our mortality and if we dare to even go deeper down and scoop more dust we can touch the core of our faith our hope and of our resurrection. "I am the resurrection, I am life. He who believes in me will never die but have everlasting life!" Heart to Heart and Holy Dirt to Holy Dust we are all connected!

Dr. Larry Baran
Four time Cancer Survivor, Sanctuario Walker, and Cancer Chaplain

Notes from: Emily:

My prayer as a true believer, is to be an instrument of the Holy Child by sharing to my fellow pilgrims about who Baby Jesus is. He is called Santo Nino, He is Our Lord, the Son of God. He is the Source of All that is GOOD!
I just want to be an agent of peace and love toward the journey to ETERNITY..........

Emily Aquino, Chaplain Volunteer, Chaplain On-Call
Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego, CA

Author: Dr. Larry Baran
Four time Cancer Survivor, Sanctuario Walker, and Cancer Chaplain

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