an adapted version of an article by an unnamed source If to live a fulfilled life is important to you, you may want to adopt some of the habits that many pious and simple people have in common. Many of these people - simple and just common folks, walking and living a simple life - share some lifestyle characteristics that may help explain their peace, joy and aura of self-fulfillment and contentment. Every day, after they have decided to conclude their career, they have adopted the following 13 Rules of Daily Living during Retirement: 1. Let go and accept "what is." Do with less. 2. Keep a frugal lifestyle. Donate your excesses. Fewer is lighter and easier to maintain. 3. Expand your horizon. Travel more. Enjoy the beauty of other places and God's creation. 4. Learn something new. Go back to school. Maybe take "golf, or flower arrangement, sewing, computers, photography, line dancing, or web creation?" 5. Volunteer on your passion or calling. Give back. Kindness given is kindness coming back 6. Pray more. In Silence we hear God. Go visit the Blessed Sacrament more often. Thank Him for everything. 7. Promote a devotion. I suggest a Devotion to the Blessed Mother if you are a Roman Catholic. Say your "Hail Mary" everyday. 8. Laugh more. Relax more. Take naps. 9. Have an attitude of gratitude. Gratefulness brings more blessings. 10. Enjoy solitude and the beauty of nature. Thank the Creator. 11. Eat healthy. Greens and bright colors - vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients. 12. Walk, and walk more. Go outdoors. Enjoy your backyard swing. Visit a park. Go swimming. Go fishing. Keep moving. 13. Practice "presence and being". Smile, enjoy life and your family more.